Introducing the AMA’s New Executive Marketer Community
An Interview with Dennis Devlin, VP Executive Marketer

Dennis Devlin, AMA Cincinnati Board of Directors
The AMA Marketing Communications Committee sat down to interview Dennis Devlin, past AMA Cincinnati Board President and current VP Programming – Executive Marketer, about the American Marketing Association’s Executive Marketer Community. Dennis will be instrumental in launching and leading this new community for marketing executives.
AMA Cincinnati: What is the Executive Marketer Community?
Dennis Devlin: In 2016, the AMA Support Center (the national AMA) acquired the Marketing Executives Networking Group (MENG). That served as an impetus to further develop engagement with marketing executives. This new Executive Marketer Community provides increased benefits for marketing executives at no additional cost.
How does this community differ from the CMO Roundtable that you chair?
The CMO Roundtable is a partnership between AMA Cincinnati and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. It represents a special program within the Executive Marketer Community and requires an annual fee of $1,000 (which includes AMA membership). Its membership currently consists of a dozen marketing leaders of their respective organizations. We meet every other month to discuss best practices, opportunities, and challenges, garnering suggestions and input from other CMO Roundtable participants in a confidential forum where ideas can be freely exchanged.
The AMA’s Executive Marketer Community bridges the gap between regular AMA membership and the CMO Roundtable. It provides exclusive benefits for marketing executives at the national and local levels. It’s a community designed to help Executive Marketers connect, grow, and inspire in ways beyond the standard AMA membership.
Why does AMA need a separate community exclusively for marketing executives?
Marketing executives face unique challenges and opportunities as leaders of their marketing organizations. Through this community, the AMA connects similarly experienced marketers for meaningful problem-solving support across the entire AMA’s exclusive network of high-achieving peers.
What are the criteria for the Executive Marketer Community? What’s the process like?
For this Community, senior marketers have 15+ years of experience in marketing or communications and 10+ years of experience in leading teams and managing budgets.
The AMA outlines the community criteria as follows:
- Current AMA membership
- Responsible for the full communications and marketing operation of your organization
- Members must currently hold, and in the case of currently being in transition, have held in their most previous position and are currently seeking an equivalent or greater title, one of the following titles (or the equivalent): Chief Communications Officer or Chief Marketing Officer; EVP/SVP/VP; Managing Director or Partner
- Has 15+ years in marketing or communications
- Has 10+ years managing budgets and profit and loss statements
- Has 10+ years successfully leading and developing teams
- Acknowledges the importance of confidentiality and discretion regarding Executive Marketer discussions
What national benefits do Executive Marketer Community members receive?
At the national level, AMA Cincinnati Executive Marketers receive access to:
A Private Community: This private online community will provide senior-level marketers a place to collaborate, post requests and ask questions. Executive Marketer participants pledge confidentiality, so they can talk openly to solve complex business challenges.
D & B Hoovers: To help you find the right person to connect with and reach qualified leads.
Exclusive Events: Executive Marketer specific programming at AMA national events. Whether it’s exclusive executive discussions, special access to speakers, or unique networking activities, our new Executive Marketer Community is here to help to meaningfully connect executives.
What local benefits will AMA Cincinnati provide its Executive Marketer Community members?
AMA Cincinnati chapter Executive Marketer Community members will receive special access to speakers and exclusive programming and events. We’ll be holding a series of quarterly receptions during the 2018-2019 year.
On September 20, 2018, we’ll hold an inaugural Executive Marketer reception the evening before AMA Cincinnati’s IGNITE! Regional Conference. There’s a special cachet to being a member of a community from the very beginning.
In January 2019, we’ll be holding a special reception in conjunction with Content Marketing Month. We’ll be holding two other receptions exclusively for Executive Marketers in November 2018 and March 2019.
AMA Cincinnati Executive Marketer Community members will also be eligible to apply to its CMO Roundtable Program.
Are there other benefits to being a member of the Executive Marketer Community?
Yes, Executive Marketers will receive many free and discounted products and services with their membership, including:
- Free shipping and design help on promotional products bought through the AMA Shop powered by Consolidus.
- Innovative resources like our marketing toolkits, webcasts, and newsletters.
- Discounts for AMA conferences, training events, and Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) certification.
- Industry publications including award-winning Marketing News magazine and other highly-ranked AMA journals.
- Workspace at the AMA Global Support Center when you are traveling through Chicago.
- Local and national discounts on hundreds of products and services including insurance, travel, entertainment, office supplies, and more.
Is there a deadline to become a member of the Executive Marketer Community?
No. Membership is ongoing. But prospective AMA Cincinnati Executive Marketers should act now so they can begin to take advantage of the network at the Ignite! Regional Conference.
How do Cincinnati Executive Marketers get in?
It’s a simple process:
- Complete the online application at
- Email your resume to Ruth Bardos at the AMA Support Center ( and copy Dennis Devlin (
- You will be notified of your acceptance via email a few weeks after you’ve completed both steps.
Then you’ll be ready to take full advantage of the exclusive benefits we now offer to Executive Marketers.
If people have questions, where can they find answers?
Please contact Ruth Bardos of the AMA Support Center for general questions. For questions specific to local opportunities, members can email me.